Saturday, May 25, 2013

Where is the Fire?

Where is the Fire?
by Kim Andrew Lugay

Some of you may have, or have not, or are still experiencing this positive "hyperness" that newborn Christians experience. This happens during the first few months after we have an encounter with the Lord Jesus. We feel like we're on a cloud. Nothing can annoy or anger us. We're flying while walking. Everything is perfect. But after those hyper months, our emotions and energy seem to go down again. We become less conscious of Jesus. We become more conscious of ourselves and our mistakes. And we unhappily wonder what's wrong. "Is it me? Oh man, it's me. I failed again. Has God changed? Maybe God doesn't love me anymore. Maybe He looks at me differently now. I feel unworthy." These are wrong mindsets.

You see, nothing has changed except our emotions. When we receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, we permanently gain a brand new spirit (2 Cor. 5:17). This spirit is our new and real identity in Christ. The bible mirrors who we really are. And in our spirits we are perfect (Heb. 12:23). We are complete with the fruit of the Holy Spirit including joy, love, peace, and many more (Col. 2:10, Gal. 5:22-23). These benefits and fruits cannot be stolen by the devil. They are permanent. And if God was gracious to us when we were sinners/lost, all the more He is gracious to us now that we are His saved children (Rom. 5:8-10, Rom. 8:16).

"So why did our emotions fail us?" It's because emotions never last. Emotions come and go. We usually get deceived by our own emotions to think, say, and do wrong things. That's why we have to master our heart before it masters us.

Despite our fleshly imperfections, God never changed (Heb. 13:8). He still loves you (Jer. 31:3). He looks at you as if you were Jesus, because you are covered with His blood. You don't have to perform any good deeds in order for Him to love you. Just let Him love you. He loves loving you. You can never stop Him from loving you. Holiness is not a prerequisite to have a relationship with God; it is the result. You can never outdo what Jesus did for you because all is done (John 19:30). Don't be stressed, but rest in the sweet embrace of your heavenly Father.

Those "emotionally hyper months" are over. The reason is because God doesn't want an emotion-based relationship with us. He wants a FAITH-based relationship with us. God is a spirit and we that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24), not in flesh. He relates to us faith to faith, NOT emotion to emotion. So let's do the same. Let's live by faith (2 Cor. 5:7). Faith is a spiritual sense, not a sixth physical sense.

As we become more mature Christians, the more we need the church. It doesn't matter whether you're from VCF, JIL, or CSB, etc. What matters is that you commit to a spiritual family where you all continue to grow in your relationship with the Lord Jesus. Remember, a single coal loses its purpose to be on fire if it's not around a burning group of coals.

It's also very important to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and work in the spiritual gifts. You can get to heaven by simply receiving Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, but it's difficult to live like "more than conquerors" in this world if you don't have the Holy Spirit and His spiritual gifts. (Acts 1:8)

So losing the emotions does not mean losing the fire. Why? Because your source of fire/strength/energy is the Holy Spirit (Luke 24:49, Acts 1:8), not you. Put your trust in Him, not on yourself. And He is also a bottomless well that can provide you living water that truly satisfies (John 4:13,14). He never runs dry, so drink from His cup everyday (John 7:37:38). Seek Him again. Pursue Him because He lovingly pursued you even before you knew Him (1 John 4:19).

Where is the fire? Don't hide it. Don't limit it. Let it stand! Let it shine! Let it glorify JESUS! :)

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